Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A new schauzer-sized thought: No do-overs

There are no do-overs in life. Well, I suppose if you're a Buddhist you would disagree with that, but even if you believe in a Buddhist-type reincarnation, I don't think you actually remember your previous lives in detail. Unless you're Shirley (gosh I can think of a bunch of Shirleys but it's not Temple, Jones, Booth, so what is it???) and I'm not going down that path.

So, we're left with the no do-overs assertion. And what does that imply? That every day should be lived productively, or at least in a manner you'd be happy with if you had to list all your "successful" days against all the not-so-successful one. A successful day doesn't have to be one in which you find a cancer cure or run a marathon or land a big business deal. You can have small successes which make for a good day.

There are many days I'm happy just to have "survived" the day. That's not a recipe for success. I think about all the people who dedicate their life to causes which better the world and wonder how I can move in that direction if only in a small way. I don't need to wait for anything - for more money, or more time. The busiest people are often the most generous with their time. I think I'll talk to the hubby about picking a cause to work on in a physical sense and not just by checkbook.

And that's your schnauzer for the day!

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